Just a brief note to thank you and the team at Complete Wealth for your work in managing our little super fund. I’m sure we are a bit out of the mainstream with our wishes to invest as ethically as possible, but it is comforting to know we have a manager who not only listens to and acts on our concerns, but is actively interested in the whole issue of sustainability.
Christine and I both enjoy our regular meetings, and although our eyes might glaze over from time to time with the finer detail, we emerge relatively confident that we are doing our best to both maintain our lifestyle and not to destroy our kid’s and grandkid’s future.
Entering into semi-retirement, I had quality assets, but required strategic direction given the complexities of my property and business investments. My accountant recommended and worked closely with Matt to ensure expert advice without guesswork or assumptions.
Advice was also given as to further investments which have been very safe and satisfactory in these difficult times. Great attention to detail and good service has always been evident, and the monthly newsletter is a bonus. It is a pleasure to express my satisfaction of Matt’s team.
I appreciate the time you take to educate me in financial matters, as well as the update on the portfolio.
I’m sure I mentioned before that I’ve only been “in the market” since 2006, as I was in a defined benefit super prior to that. So, it’s been a steep learning curve for me – during a very turbulent period.
You have been a “rock” in the support you’ve shown Diane & myself.
This morning is the first time I’ve been able to read this Oliver’s Insight & as usual he’s a “sobering” & realistic observer.
I’m a calm & patient character in my own profession, but not at all relaxed about whether we have enough money to maintain a comfortable retirement. You and Oliver take the anxiety away (well at least I can feel it reducing)